20 Rules to Being a Modern Gentleman - Lelaki Sila Baca..

1. Hold open the door open for anybody – not just women. Being a stand-up gent means being courteous to any person regardless of gender. This extends to offering to refresh a person’s drink at a party or giving up a seat to those in need of it.

2. Speak your mind. Being a gentleman means having the confidence to own your opinions. However, this does not give you the licence to be tactless or rude. Learn where the line is drawn.

3. Always dress the part. Taking pride in your appearance is essential to making a good impression.
 It doesn’t mean turning up in a suit 24/7, but knowing how to dress appropriately and smartly for any occasion. Refer to our idiot-proof guide on dress codes for more advice.

4. Don’t equate self-esteem with money. Money gives you security, but should never define you as a person. Regardless of whether you’re in a cushy job that earns you six figures or a fresh graduate about to embark on his career, your words and actions will always speak louder than how many bottles of Dom Perignon you buy at the club.

5. Don’t judge people based on appearances. Even if you’re always perfectly groomed, judging others based on their shape, size and clothing is crass and uncouth. If you’re stuck with a group of people who love nothing more than to pick others apart, refuse to take part and excuse yourself politely.

6. Improve yourself. A modern gentleman rarely keeps idle. Sure, he enjoys his downtime but you would never hear him complain about being bored. He’s always looking for something new to pursue, be it a new hobby or skill.

7. Be able to say “I don’t know”. Being an upstanding man, doesn’t mean being a know-it-all. If you’re caught in a conversation where you don’t know enough about a subject, it is fine to admit your lack of knowledge to the other party. It is MUCH worse to get caught up in a lie and subsequently revealed to be a fraud. Curiosity is an attractive trait.

8. Keep your nails clean. The same goes for the rest of you. Trim your nose hairs, keep your facial hair neat, go for regular haircuts and get your teeth polished. When it comes to appearance, good hygiene is half the battle won.

9. Don’t be a slave to trends. Just because drop-crotch pants are the new thing for the season, doesn’t mean you have to jump on the bandwagon. Know what your style is and stick to it.

10. Be a good friend. A modern gentleman is the guy that his friends can always rely on when they need a listening ear or rescuing from an emergency. And when he extends kindness, he doesn’t expect anything in return. Friendship isn’t about keeping score.

11. Practice discretion: Social media offers temptation to share just about every aspect of your life, but learn from Robbie William’s mistakes. Oversharing only makes you look like an attention whore. No one needs to see what your wife looks like when she's in labour. No. One.

12. Laugh at yourself: If people poke fun at you, take it in your stride. You don’t want to be the guy with the stick up his arse who can’t take a joke. And if you can’t think of a witty comeback, don’t bother trying. It follows that when you want to make a joke, it’s better to poke fun at yourself, not others. Self-deprecating humour is the best kind of humour.

13. Be content, not complacent: Appreciate what you have and count your blessings in life. But it doesn’t mean resting on your laurels. Working hard for what you want makes any achievement that much sweeter.

14. Be punctual: Don’t be THAT guy who is perpetually “on the way” or “stuck in traffic”. Having a smartphone doesn’t give you the licence to keep others waiting when you’ve already agreed on a time to meet. It’s bloody annoying and bad manners. Don’t assume other people’s time is more important than your own.

15. Know when to stop: This rule applies to just about everything from drinking alcohol to getting physical with women, talking about yourself to maxing out your credit.

16. Ditch the airs: No one likes a pretentious schmuck. Sure, you may be a connoisseur of wine, watches or women, but it doesn’t entitle you to be a snob. Comment on other people’s tastes without an invitation, and you will soon find yourself uninvited.

17. Always smell good: They say scents stick in our minds longer than any visual memory. Be the man who isn’t associated with body odour or sweat. Even better, find your signature scent and stick to it.

18. Know the art of the call: Texting may be the normal mode of communication these days, but it is also a minefield of miscommunication. A gentleman knows how to communicate, so don’t be afraid to dial when the occasion calls for it. Furthermore, calling is always much more sincere than any emoticon-laced text apology. *sad face*

19. Dole out compliments and criticism wisely: Compliments are a great way of warming yourself to people, but if you go around a party saying “Nice shoes!” to just about everybody, that’s just cheap flattery. Similarly, if you feel the need to criticise, make sure your feedback is clear and constructive, and given discreetly. Treat your words with weight, and it's more likely that they will be heard.

20. Let things go: A modern gentleman knows not to bear grudges. He may not forget, but knows how to forgive. As poet George Herbert once said, “Living well is the best revenge.”

**Lagi perfect gentlemen bila sembahyang 5 waktu tak tinggal and always on time ;)

Everybody is not perfect but at least please try to be one


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